Saturday, March 27, 2010

My letter to The Tampa Tribune regarding their editorial "Israel's arrogance on display once again"

RE: Israel's arrogance on display once again

Dear Editor,

It is never too late to do the right thing, or as Martin Luther King Jr. said "The time is always right to do what is right."

Thank you for the exceptionally revealing and honest editorial "Israel's arrogance on display once again "

The "
s...storm" as your anonymous correspondent called it has indeed been a huge factor in stifling and distorting the conversation in many ways.

Tragically for all involved, a mainstream silence hands Israeli bigots the power to do even more harm to the native non-Jewish Palestinians- and very much helps fuel cynicism and extremism, hate mongering and violence on every side.... with world wide negative ramifications.

I think Israel is totally wrong to be so horrible to and about the Palestinians- and I think Palestinians in Gaza are totally wrong to think that Islamic groups, militancy and armed resistance will free Palestine. Sovereign Israel is not going to disappear, it is not going to be boycotted or bombed or bullied off the map. It can however be diplomatically forced to respect international law and basic human rights. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you... That really has to be the goal- we need to be empowering a golden rule peace in and for the Holy Land: A golden rule process and progress and a golden rule future illuminated by
a fair and just negotiated, secular two state solution- for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab
Growing Gardens for Palestine

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