Monday, March 1, 2010

MIFTAH's Facts & Figures Casualties and material losses from September 28th, 2000 - January 27th, 2010

MIFTAH's Facts & Figures
Casualties and material losses from
September 28th, 2000 - January 27th, 2010

Total number of Palestinian deaths: 7208
Children: 1153
Women: 581
Men: 5474

Palestinians killed by Jewish settlers: 80
Palestinians killed as a result of Israeli shelling: 2913
Deaths as a result of preventing medical personnel at Israeli checkpoints: 401
Stillbirths (Palestinian babies born dead at checkpoints): 32

Number of Palestinians extra-judicially killed and assassinated:836
Bystanders killed during extra-judicial killings:353

Total number Israeli deaths:1676
Men: 642


Area distribution of Palestinian deaths:
West Bank (including east Jerusalem):2116
Gaza Strip:5062

Palestinians injured by Israeli forces and settlers:40562
Live ammunition:9112
Rubber-coated steel bullets:17242
Tear gas:6895

Number of Palestinians permanently disabled or maimed by injuries:3634

Education Statistics:
School students killed: 925 Injured: 4100 Detained: 932
University students Killed: 200 Injured: 1245 Detained: 720

Teachers killed:

37 Injured: 55 Detained: 190

Destruction of Palestinian property in dunums (1 dunum = 1000 m² )
Confiscated land: 271868
Razed land: 80463
Estimated number of uprooted trees: 1191338
Homes demolished: 10397

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