Friday, March 5, 2010

Made in Palestine...the book

Palestine Online Store

an art exhibit by Station Museum

From the Introduction to the book:
This beautiful book depicts the eclectic, profound works of numerous Palestinian artists; where art, life, and politics are inextricably connected and vividly conveyed.

The book captures the voices and expressions of Palestinian artists into one elegantly compiled document of Palestinian art.

Relevant Links
Made in Palestine exhibition at Station Museum
Mother Jones article on Made in Palestine
Electronic Intifada article on Made in Palestine

Palestine Online Store

Palestine Online Store is honored to be the exclusive online source for acquiring authorized Ismail Shammout and Tamam Al-Akhal prints. The late Ismail Shammout needs no introduction (see tribute about him), and his wife Tamam is also a brilliant and renowned artist. The prints are acquired from Tamam, after she gets them printed under careful supervision in Germany and frames them herself.

Shammout and Al-Akhal's art tells the story of the Palestinian people and is a timeless piece of Palestine for your home.

The listed prints are what we currently have in stock. Special orders can be accepted, but could take as long as 6 months to fulfill and could cost around 50% more.

Red Poppies of Palestine
Arist's statement: Beautiful poppy flowers dominate the Palestinian landscape in the spring. Their vivid color inspires us and gives us hope. The Israeli occupiers systematically destroy our land and our trees in an attempt to uproot our hopes and squelch our dreams. Nevertheless, spring will come, and the poppies will bloom again, and so too will our dreams. Tamam Al-Akhal

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