Tuesday, February 9, 2010

unrwa Response to the New York Daily News and the Huffington Post

Response to the New York Daily News and the Huffington Post

Dear Huffington Post Editor,

The recent article on US funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) recycles baseless and damaging allegations which belie the co-operative and supportive relationship between UNRWA and the US Government, our single largest donor. The State Department is well aware of UNRWA’s pro-active, zero-tolerance policies towards political or militant activities among its staff and in its installations. This is a matter of public record.

The State Department is also aware of the contents of our school books having commissioned two independent reviews, both of which conclude that the curriculum does not incite hatred. It is these very text books which were reviewed in the State Department studies that are used by the State of Israel in Israeli administered schools in East Jerusalem, a fact that puts any criticisms into their proper context.

In addition, UNRWA has implemented a US funded human rights, conflict resolution and tolerance programme in all of its schools since 2002. Given the particularly difficult situation in Gaza, human rights is taught as a core subject in all grades with a dedicated human rights curriculum and specialized human rights teachers in every school.

Our track record in education is something of which we are justly proud. The statement made by by US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, at a meeting in the United Nations last September to mark the 60th anniversary of UNRWA speaks for itself:

“The United States notes with deep appreciation and gratitude the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. ….. We acknowledge the critical role UNRWA plays in providing core services and humanitarian assistance for over 4.6 million Palestinian refugees. I am proud that the United States is UNRWA’s largest bilateral donor and take this opportunity to note the work of the almost 30,000 UNRWA employees, both national and international staff. UNRWA’s staff members, many of whom are Palestinian refugees themselves, often confront difficult and challenging circumstances, yet work tirelessly to provide quality education, health, and relief assistance programs to ensure the dignity and human development of those they serve.”

Yours sincerely,
Christopher Gunness,
UNRWA Spokesperson.

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