Sunday, February 7, 2010

My letter to the New York Times RE Israel/Palestine reporting: The Public Editor Too Close to Home & Bill Keller Takes Exception

RE: Israel/Palestine reporting: The Public Editor Too Close to Home
& Bill Keller Takes Exception to “Too Close to Home”

Dear Editors,

Good to see that you have seriously thought about who gets to report on the Israel/Palestine conflict, carefully examining potential biases and influences which might seriously undermine a reporter's ability to tell the whole story.
However I am very concerned that the approach your analysis has taken frames the conflict to be Israel VS radical anti-Israel, rather than a more productive approach of Israel and Palestine figuring out how to live side by side in peace as separate sovereign states both fully respecting international law and basic human rights.

Perhaps the Electronic Intifada has good intentions, it certainly has much more extensive coverage of Palestinian suffering than can be found in the NYTimes- and it has many Jewish fans, but it does not speak for Palestine, nor does it promote a separate sovereign Palestinian state.... nor does it firmly condemn and reject religious extremism and terrorism.

In looking around for reliable pro-Palestine sources and perspectives to help supplement and balance Bronner's coverage please take the time to explore the intriguing web site of The American Task Force on Palestine. You might also consider publishing more columns by more actual Palestinians such as Daoud Kuttab, Palestinian journalist and a former Ferris professor of journalism at Princeton University. Miftah (
the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy) is also a good source of excellent Palestinian writers and thinkers. One of my favorites there is Joharah Baker.

Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

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