Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My letter to the Guardian RE A real plan to build Palestine by Hussein Ibish

RE: A real plan to build Palestine, The PA's proposal to unilaterally build the framework of a Palestinian state is a legal, peaceful response to Israel by Hussein Ibish

Dear Sir,

Ibish asks the crucial question "Do we really mean what we say about the importance of peace based on the creation of a Palestinian state, and are we willing to act on it?"

And I hope the answer is yes- a heartfelt firm YES that helps create positive momentum for a real Palestine invested in peace and prosperity:

A fully accountable Palestine focused in on being the best it can be- no matter what.

A secular and safe Palestine that strives to be democratic, pluralistic, non-militarized and neutral in armed conflicts- for armed 'resistance' has only brought haunting sorrow and suffering and painful exile to the children of historic Palestine.

A turn the page Palestine, opening a new chapter with the potential of many happily ever afters.

Anne Selden Annab

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