Monday, February 1, 2010

My letter to the Guardian RE Mahmoud Abbas: Israel's West Bank occupation leading to one-state solution

RE: Mahmoud Abbas: Israel's West Bank occupation leading to one-state solution

Dear Sir,

One-state escapism won't solve anything- unless you are an Israeli settler eager to own it all... Dr. Hussein Ibish of the American Task Force on Palestine pointedly refers to the one state call as the one state agenda- not a solution: What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda? Why Ending the Occupation and Peace with Israel is Still the Palestinian National Goal

Writing in This Week in Palestine Queen Rania of Jordan wisely reminds us that "The world needs to hear Palestine’s story: the pursuit for peace … the desire for healing … the craving for education … the longing to rebuild." Education: the Unifier, the Healer

Anne Selden Annab

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