Thursday, February 4, 2010

My letter to Daily Iowan 3-4-2010 RE "Martin Luther King’s dream on Palestine" by Patrick Hitchon

RE: Martin Luther King’s dream on Palestine by Patrick Hitchon

Dear Editor,

Excellent to see the guest opinion "Martin Luther King’s dream on Palestine" by Patrick Hitchon. YES, Israel must be held accountable and YES Israel must respect international law and ALL basic human rights ASAP, however divestment is only one tactic and it should not be the end goal. The end goal needs to be a fully sovereign, viable, non-violent, secular Palestinian state living along side Israel. There is an initiative right now to put positive energy into exactly that:

"Two weeks ago the Palestinian Authority issued a detailed budget for the state and institution-building programme it adopted last August. The programme calls for Palestinians to unilaterally build the administrative, economic and institutional framework of an independent state in spite of the Israeli occupation and as a peaceful, constructive means of countering it." Hussein Ibish

62 years of immense suffering, frustration and loss will be hard to overcome- and there will be many legal battles ahead, but I have every confidence that the people of historic Palestine (and the people of Israel) have the strength of character, the intelligence, the compassion, the patience, and the empathy necessary to overcome every challenge- including the challenge of ending the Israel/Palestine conflict. Where there is a will- there is a way.

Anne Selden Annab... Growing Gardens for Palestine

Jerusalem's Old City with the Dome of the Rock Mosque, right, is seen from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010. Jerusalem's mayor has grudgingly agreed to evacuate a house Jewish settlers built illegally in the heart of the predominantly Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan. But Mayor Nir Barkat says he'll also demolish dozens of Palestinian-owned structures erected illegally in the volatile holy city. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

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