Monday, February 22, 2010

My letter to the Boston Globe RE Untie knot of Palestinian evictions By James Carroll

RE: Untie knot of Palestinian evictions By James Carroll

Dear Editor,

Regarding "Untie knot of Palestinian evictions", it is not a knot: It is a century long punitively cruel trend created by Zionist policies whereby the native non-Jewish population of the "Holy Land" are harshly and systemically discriminated against, despite Balfour's forthright plea in 1917 that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"

UN Resolution 194 from 1948 clearly demands that Israel respect the Palestinian refugees' inalienable legal, natural right to return to original homes and lands to live in peace. I have to assume that means unmolested by racist laws, apartheid walls and home wrecking policies. Kudos to James Carroll for daring to write about this... for noticing the very real plight and suffering of the Palestinians.

Anne Selden Annab

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