Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dear President Obama, Israel's ongoing land grabs are wrong- and illegal.... and immoral.

unwra photo: A Palestine refugee woman cut off from her home by the “Green Line” – the armistice line established after the 1948 Arab Israeli war.

letter I sent my elected leaders
Israel's ongoing land grabs are wrong- and illegal.... and immoral.

President Barack Obama
Sen. Arlen Specter
Sen. Robert Casey
Rep. Todd Platts

February 27, 2010

Please do what you can to convince Israel to back off, to end the occupation and Apartheid in the Holy Land.

Please insist that Israel respect international law and the Palestinians basic human rights.

Specifically right now the Israeli military is trying to implement a decision to confiscate community and privately held property belonging to the community and families in the Palestinian Christian town of Beit Sahour, not far from Jerusalem. Included in this swath of land is the treasured Peace Park, which serves as a community space, park and recreational facility where Palestinian families gather daily.

Please contact Israelis that you know and firmly ask them to do all they can to make sure that Israel stops usurping Palestinian land- and destroying Palestinians homes and communities.

Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg , PA

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