Friday, February 5, 2010

Dear Arab Voices...

RE: Damuni, Shabib, Altahhan & Al Ameri on Arab Voices Wed, Feb 3

Dear Arab Voices,

Thank you for covering the Palestinian refugee issue in your Feb 3 2010 program.... but I found it troubling that in your promos leading up to it you lauded Ali Abunimah and his Electronic Intifada efforts to stop support for a separate and real Palestinian state.

I very much support the Palestinian refugees right to return to original homes and lands.

But I also think Palestinian refugees must be free not to be Israeli- which is what a one state outcome would be.

The right of return is firmly based in a two state formula. Currently there is a huge international push for peace and Palestine: The Arab Peace Initiatives needs to be supported- and so does the idea of a separate sovereign viable Palestine and an end to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

I think it is important to notice that UN 194 follows the call for partition ..."Resolutions 181 and 194, which called for the partition of Palestine in 1947 and then addressed the Palestinian refugees’ rights in 1948." ( Peace urgently needs the radically new By Rami G. Khouri

Struggling with the struggle I have come to realize that the phrase pro-Israel really should apply to all who endorse a one state solution... and the phrase pro-Palestine can only apply to those who support a separate sovereign Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel.

As a pubic service I think you should take care to balance promos for one-state efforts with mention of real pro-Palestine efforts and initiatives.

I know that many activists like to diss ATFP- but I think ATFP (The American Task Force on Palestine) needs to be taken seriously for they understand the crucial importance of supporting and respecting both America and Palestine... and they understand the political process necessary to help make Palestine a real place for real people rather than just a rally cry for dissidents and religious extremists and cynics who are invested in being proven right.

Palestine- a real Palestine- needs all our best efforts and positive support... and so do the Palestinian refugees. Kudos to all the many organizations and individuals and governments (including the USA) who have stepped up to help.

Anne Selden Annab

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