Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ali Sarsour: At home in two cultures

" "People abroad believe Americans think only of money, and I know this is not true. When I go home, I tell stories of the real Americans I know, and I'm thinking of writing a book, telling those stories. It will be called 'The Beautiful American'."

Ali Sarsour was born in Palestine, but has lived in Chico for 40 years. He considers both places home, yet the cultures are vastly different.

He thinks of such a book in contrast to "The Ugly American," a 1958 political novel. "I thought of it at my retirement party — I know some beautiful Americans."

Sarsour celebrated his retirement from a Chico electronics store and his 63rd birthday Feb. 6 with 150 friends during a party and roast at Trinity United Methodist Church Hadley Hall.

He admits he has always been known for being outspoken.

"I have this addiction," Sarsour said Wednesday at a coffee shop. "I need to change things. I love to talk. But I'm learning to calm down and not say everything I want."

Albireh, the town were Sarsour grew up in Palestine, was damaged during the 1967 war with Israel. But he remembers a lovely place. "It was a town with a lot of trees, vegetables, different plants. Loved the fig trees and the daily farmers market. In many ways, it was a lot like Chico.

"I was a kid who wanted to be in politics. In my home town, there was no public library," he said, adding it was 1966 and he brought the need to the city's attention.

"So we got a library. It was a rented house with donated books, and homemade tables and chairs. I went back recently and my young cousin took me to see the library. It's four stories and beautiful. There is satisfaction in starting something, and seeing it grow." " ...READ MORE

Ali Sarsour: At home in two cultures

By MARY NUGENT - Staff Writer

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