Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who has inspired you?

I nominate Ziad J. Asali, retired physician, for his efforts as a loyal American on behalf of Palestine.

I first noticed Asali on cspan years ago. His knowledge concerning the Israel/Palestine conflict is extensive. But what impresses me most is that he is willing to speak out publicly for Palestine in mainstream ways. Please understand how difficult it is to do that. The situation for Palestinians is so tragic and crazy all at once, making it very hard to remain calm and reasonable- but somehow Dr. Asali persists and I find that very inspiring.

In 2003 Dr. Asali founded the American Task Force on Palestine. According to their website. "ATFP is dedicated to advocating that it is in the American national interest to promote an end to the conflict in the Middle East through a negotiated agreement that provides for two states - Israel and Palestine - living side by side in peace and security. " Http://

As a Palestinian refugee, Dr. Asali could have done many things with his life and his earnings, and he could have even simply walked away from Palestine and never looked back. Or he could have become bitter and angry, wallowing in negativity- but he did not... Instead he has used his spare time, diplomatic skills, and freedom as an American to figure out how best to help promote a just and lasting peace for every one's sake.


Quite honestly the jury is out on anyone's impact when it comes to ending the contentious Palestine/Israel conflict.... However Dr. Ziad Asali helps give me hope that reason and compassion and decency will prevail. I also like to think that his efforts are inspiring many other Americans to believe in Palestine and peace AND at the same time helping Arabs worldwide better understand and respect America and the political process... and our fourth estate.

Anne Selden Annab
Growing Gardens for Palestine

Good morning,

For over 40 years, the President of the United States has awarded the Citizens Medal -- the second highest civilian honor in our nation -- to Americans who have "performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens."

Now for the 2010 Citizen's Medal, the White House is opening up the process to include an exciting source of nominations: you. President Obama is inviting the American public to nominate candidates he should consider for the Presidential Citizens Medal -- truly making this an honor of, by, and for the American people.

Who has inspired you? Whose selfless dedication to service has touched your life or the lives of others?

Watch the President explain the program in this web video and then nominate an unsung hero from your community: LEARN MORE

Submit a Nomination

To nominate someone for the 2010 Citizens Medal, please review the criteria for this year’s medal and fully answer questions below. Additional awardees may be selected outside of the public nomination process. In order for the individual to be considered for the Medal:

  • Nominees must be citizens of the United States, as required by the 1969 Executive Order.
  • The nominee’s service must have been performed outside of their regular job.
  • All questions on this form must be fully answered.
  • Nominations must be received by Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Explain why your nominee should receive the Citizens Medal based on the criteria outlined here

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