Sunday, January 31, 2010

My letter to the Jerusalem Post RE A dark lining in every silver cloud By Ray Hanania

RE: A dark lining in every silver cloud
You should call Ray's column 'The Stand Up Guy". Yup-its a silly pun to call a column "The Stand Up Guy". But keep thinking...its much more then that. "Stand Up Guy" is a common well known phrase with two separate meanings which both describe him perfectly. On one hand he really is a professional comedian who uses humor to try to explain and calm down a very tense and dangerous status quo. On the other hand he is also a very serious writer of very serious columns ... defines the serious aspect as " a man who is responsible, loyal, honest, trustworthy, etc.--someone who has good character". All qualities that describe Palestinian-American Ray's very serious quest to be totally honest about and for Palestine.

Anne Selden Annab

Ray's note to me in responce my letter

Subject: Re: Jerusalem Post 1-31-2010 A dark lining in every silver cloud By RAY HANANIA
From: Ray Hanania
Thank you for being so kind, Annie. Good remarks are so rare in the Arab-Israeli conflict when they surface they are so welcome and important … and strengthen peace and justice

Thanks so much

Ray Hanania

WJJG Radio 1530 AM/Monday thru Friday 8-9:30 am/Studio Line: 708-493-1530

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