Thursday, January 21, 2010

My letter to the Boston Globe RE Palestinians want US to serve as proxy in border talks

RE: Palestinians want US to serve as proxy in border talks

Dear Editor,

Israel's newest provocative and totally unreasonable demand that it retains a presence on the eastern side of a prospective Palestinian state
is utterly ridiculous and insulting. Palestine needs to be a viable sovereign state, in charge of its own affairs and its own borders. Furthermore Jordan, which is the country running alongside the eastern border of Palestine, has a peace treaty already in place with Israel, plus a strong desire to calm the situation down with a fair and just negotiated two state solution for everyone's sake.

Jordan has been consistently urging stronger peace efforts and Israel responds by being utterly unreasonable- as if that will give it bargaining power when forced to the table... "Judeh reiterated that Israel's unilateral measures in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially in East Jerusalem - such as housing demolitions, forced evictions of Palestinians and excavation works beneath the Islamic and Christian holy sites in the city - are illegal and rejected and should be stopped immediately." Jordan urges stronger int’l peace efforts

Israel’s ongoing violations of international law and the Palestinians basic human rights, plus its unreasonable expectations and demands, are the main obstacle to peace in the region. If the United States is forced to serve as proxy in talks I very much hope everyone understands the crucial importance of adhering to The Arab Peace Initiative regarding Jerusalem, the Palestinian refugees, and an end to Israel's illegal occupation and institutionalized bigotry.

Anne Selden Annab

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