Monday, January 18, 2010

from Growing Gardens for Palestine: A Palestine To Return To ... poem by Anne Selden Annab

.....A Palestine To Return To

Palestine does not need more anger
that cup already runneth over...

I'd rather hold a chalice of clear
clean water
fresh hope
for a future
for a totally real true Palestine

A fully free Palestine for Palestinians
and guests....

A Palestine to be proud of...
a Palestine of old world charm
with modern freedom & infrastructures

A Palestine of gardens and orchards
and jobs

A Palestine of bird watching
and green technology
to preserve the pastoral history
and the ancient buildings and paths...
alleyways... markets... ambiance...
to be the perfect equilibrium between
what was- is- and will be
to be Palestine alive
and doing well.

A Palestine to return to
and wanting the best
for all offspring

Diligently defining
a heritage
to bequeath
to coming generations...

A Palestine to treasure
in everyday ways...
with all the real comforts
of a real home
for real people
good, bad and indifferent...
not a rally cry- but a real place

Palestine with a passport
and a stamp.

poem copyright ©2010 Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

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