Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chirpy tweeter

Chirpy tweeter

A few days ago, I was able to follow from New York what may be described as an interesting and welcomed tweeting event that was taking place on the net.

Jordanians were racing to list their 50 favourite things about their country or to use words from some other tweets simply to show why Jordan “rocks” and is “awesome”.

Tweets by Jordanians poured in and went far above the 50-limit line. Included were watching the sunset in Jordan, its open air museum, the feeling of timelessness, the history, the mountains, the sense of security Jordanians are blessed with, the playing of the national anthem at the end of the broadcast day on Jordan TV, how the King writes down peoples’ complaints himself, the fact that if someone gets a flat tyre, there’s a 99 per cent chance someone will stop and help, that people always have something nice to say, whatever the situation, the way the sheep have the right to cross the street just as much as human beings, the fact that all Jordanians were at the moment of sending the tweeps pretty convinced that the next day would be a holiday due to weather conditions, and yes, why not, how Jordanian men are the most handsome on Earth.

In short, what the tweets revealed is how much Jordanians appreciate practically everything about their country.

Many of the things listed were of the kind that make one’s heart laugh, and were as full of sense of humour as of truth.

But whether it was the funny tweets or the more serious ones, one thing is certain, and that is that the tweeting tweeples revealed how much they love their country with all its particularities.

Salma Bandar Al Yousuf,


1 February 2010

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