Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My letter to the Guardian RE Peace must begin with the plight of Palestine's refugees by UNWRA's Karen AbuZayd

RE: Peace must begin with the plight of Palestine's refugees, Sixty years after the UN moved to address the fate of the dispossessed, we need to accept that the injustice endures by Karen AbuZayd

Dear Sir,

"Let us confound the cynics. Let us create alternative realities to disarm those who favour violence. I call on the peacemakers to acknowledge, in their rhetoric and their policies, the need to address Palestinian dispossession." !!
THANK YOU for publishing UNWRA's eloquently articulate Karen AbuZayd's most recent essay concerning the very real plight of the Palestinians and the importance of shaping a just and lasting peace in the Middle East: A serous peace for all the people- and a reasonable peace where every child and every home and every story counts. A pervasive peace that steps beyond the narrow confines of demographic statistics and religious rhetoric to embrace all of humankind as equal partners in the quest for dignity and decency- and security.... a Golden Rule Peace illuminated and guided by full respect for basic human rights on all sides of every border.

Anne Selden Annab

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