Friday, November 20, 2009

My letter to the Mercury News RE "U.S. should stand against apartheid in Israel" by Sam Jadallah

RE: Opinion: U.S. should stand against apartheid in Israel Special to the Mercury News By Sam Jadallah

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing the clear and sensible op-ed "U.S. should stand against apartheid in Israel" By Sam Jadallah.

Jimmy Carter did the world a huge favor with his ground breaking book "Palestine, Peace not Apartheid", although many do argue that the world Apartheid is misleading as it can't even start to explain the situation- and the very real plight and suffering of the Palestinians. Extremists and hate mongers take advantage of this dire and dangerous situation, making matters even worse. For everyone's sake we need to help empower a just and lasting peace in the Middle East... A Golden Rule Peace for the Holy Land, a Golden Rule Peace where all children have a chance to grow up knowing compassion and decency- and the rule of fair and just laws.

Anne Selden Annab

A Palestinian toddler holds a balloon during an event organized by UNICEF to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Friday, Nov. 20, 2009. Twenty years after the U.N. adopted a treaty guaranteeing children's rights, fewer youngsters are dying and more are going to school, but an estimated 1 billion children still lack services essential to their survival and development, UNICEF said Thursday. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)

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