Monday, November 2, 2009

My letter to the Independent RE Robert Fisk’s World: The truth about the Middle East is buried beneath the headlines

RE: Robert Fisk’s World: The truth about the Middle East is buried beneath the headlines

Dear Sir,

Looks to me like Robert Fisk mainly wants to bury Palestine- and to discourage people from even bothering with effective media work. Yes, kudos to Amira Hass for writing about the plight of the Palestinians, but please Mr. Fisk her "failure" is much more about Israel than Egypt or Turkey, or even CNN.

Zionist bloggers and op-ed writers do tend to refer to Israel's monstrous wall as a "security barrier" or a "fence", but Zionist bloggers and op-ed writers do not own the conversation in our mainstream media: Influence is an ongoing project. In assessing "the manufacture of consent", start wondering how Western media outlets are supposed to know where their headlines and writers go wrong when all the world is being convinced by supposed experts like Fisk that the Western press is both totally corrupt and gutless and therefore it is useless to expect (and demand) more accuracy.

Anne Selden Annab

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