Monday, November 16, 2009

My letter to the Independent RE Palestinian push for an independent state causes Israeli alarm

A Palestinian girl takes part in a rally, marking a symbolic declaration of independence, in the West Bank village of Beit Furiq near Nablus November 15, 2009.REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman

RE: Palestinian push for an independent state causes Israeli alarm

Dear Sir,

Keeping an eye on the very real plight and suffering of the Palestinians one can not help but be horrified and furiously angry at all that modern Israel has done to harm the native non-Jewish population of historic Palestine... but being mired in negativity, blame games, cynicism and hate mongering will not help free the people, or keep them safe from further harm.

I applaud the valiant efforts of all who are willing to work in positive, compassionate, intelligent and logical ways to help secure liberty, prosperity, and respect for Palestine- to turn energy towards building a better future for the children of historic Palestine for (to quote Dr. Ziad Asali of the American Task Force on Palestine ) "Without liberty there will be despair, which inevitably gives rise to unrest, violence and extremism."

The bigotry and rage created by the Israel/Palestine conflict need to end.

First things first: One by one we can hold our own selves accountable for helping- or hindering- the efforts being made world wide "to protect the prospects of peace and to spare bloodshed so as to enable the Arab states and Israel to coexist side by side and to provide for the coming generations a secure, stable and prosperous future." The Arab Peace Initiative

We do not know what will be, but we can help lay the groundwork and light the way for a better way forward... for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab

A Palestinian refugee living in Syria displays her handicrafts during a bazaar organized by the Palestinian Return Community (WAJEP) held to help poor families in Damascus November 14, 2009. REUTERS/Khaled al Hariri (SYRIA SOCIETY)

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