Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My letter to CSM RE The Israeli separation barrier: Another Berlin Wall? | In Pictures |

In Pictures

In Pictures | The Israeli separation barrier: Another Berlin Wall?

RE: The Israeli separation barrier: Another Berlin Wall? | In Pictures | csmonitor.com
"In al-Amari refugee camp near Ramallah, a combination of three photos shows Palestinians and international activists pulling down a concrete panel, part of the controversial Israeli separation barrier, during a protest marking the 20th anniversary of the toppling of the Berlin Wall. Palestinians are using the anniversary to emphasize their campaign against Israel's barrier."
Dear Editor,

THANK YOU for noticing the Palestinians and that horrible Israeli made apartheid 'security' wall, and for publishing such inspiring pictures, both the full series The Israeli separation barrier: Another Berlin Wall? | In Pictures | csmonitor.com
as well as one picture of the day "In al-Amari refugee camp near Ramallah, a combination of three photos shows Palestinians and international activists pulling down a concrete panel, part of the controversial Israeli separation barrier, during a protest marking the 20th anniversary of the toppling of the Berlin Wall. Palestinians are using the anniversary to emphasize their campaign against Israel's barrier."
The Christian Science Monitor | In Pictures | csmonitor.com

Visually it feels like a huge victory to see a section of that Israeli made anti-Palestinian wall fall as it is very symbolic. The physical reality of Israel's Apartheid wall is cruel, and the political reality of its placement on Palestinian territory (in addition to the convoluted way it snakes and strangles Palestinian communities) is clearly meant to usurp land as well as aggravate tension between Palestinians and Israelis.

Let us hope for a just and lasting peace in the Holy Land for everyone's sake- and in hoping let us work towards ending the Israel/Palestine conflict diplomatically and as gently and calmly as possible so that all people (regardless of their supposed race and/or religion and/or nationality) might have the chance to
live in real dignity with peace and security and the freedom to come and go: Borders should be a brief official pause between one place and another- in other words do not misuse borders or negotiations to perpetuate bigotry and injustice: We the people, and all our nation states as well as our NGOs need to respect international law- and basic human rights.

Anne Selden Annab
American Homemaker & Poet

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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