Monday, November 9, 2009

Jordan's king warns of Mideast dangers

Jordan's king warns of Mideast dangers

JERUSALEM, Nov. 9 (UPI) -- The lack of progress in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority could plunge the region into an abyss, Jordan's King Abdullah II warned.

"If there is no progress, if there is no vision, I am concerned about Palestine and about the entire region," the king was quoted as saying in an interview with the London-based al-Hayat newspaper Monday, said.

If Arab efforts to force Israel to impose a total West Bank settlement freeze fail, then the United States and the international community must intervene, the king was quoted as saying.

Negotiations must focus on a permanent agreement including final borders, the status of Palestinian refugees and the future of Jerusalem the king said. He warned Israel to "stop playing with fire," saying Israel must treat Jerusalem sensitively.

"Jerusalem is a red line and Israelis must understand Jerusalem's standing among the Arabs, the Muslims and the Christians, and should not play with fire," the Web site quoted the king saying.

The Jordanian king said he understood Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's decision not to run for another term, calling him a true partner in the peace process who does everything he can for his people's interests.

Failure to make progress in the peace process will open the region to some dangerous and difficult possibilities the king said, and described the current stalemate as "unacceptable."

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