Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ATFP Expresses Deep Concern over Israeli Plans to Build 900 Units in Jerusalem

Press Release
Contact Information: Ghaith al-Omari
November 17, 2009 - 12:00am

Washington, DC, Nov. 17 -- ATFP expressed deep concern over Israeli plans to build 900 additional housing units in East Jerusalem. These plans contradict the United States’ policy of seeking a freeze on settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and gravely complicate the efforts to resume peace negotiations.

ATFP commends the White House’s statement expressing “dismay” over these plans, and supports its call to all sides to refrain from taking actions “that could unilaterally preempt, or appear to preempt, negotiations”, as well as the US’s objection to “other Israeli practices in Jerusalem related to housing, including the continuing pattern of evictions and demolitions of Palestinian homes”.

In commenting on these developments, ATFP President Dr. Ziad Asali said: “Any action that aims to change the nature of Jerusalem risks not only alienating the Palestinians, but also inflaming emotions throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds. These actions can only serve extremism and harm the quest for a negotiated peace agreement. We hope that the Israeli government overrules the Jerusalem municipal planning committee and rescinds these plans. We wholeheartedly support the Administration’s position on these plans and hope that reason will prevail.”

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