Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The PLO, the Hijab, the Government, Security and Elections. October 17, 2009

Press Release: The PLO, the Hijab, the Government, Security and Elections.
October 17, 2009

Margin of error: +3 %
Field work dates: September 31 – October 3, 2009
Publication Date: Saturday - October 17, 2009

(1200 questionnaire in the West Bank and Gaza)

88% support the conduct of an election to resolve disputes
• Majority (56%) oppose the imposition of the Hijab in schools
• 81%: the PLO is the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinians
• Fayyad‘s approval rate increases from 55% to 64%
• PLC Election: Fateh (58%) and Hamas (27%) and others (15%)
• Presidential Election: Abbas (64%) and Haniyeh (36%)
• 51% evaluate the performance of the Police as (good) and 24% as (medium)
• In the West Bank, the positive evaluation of the Police reaches 85%.


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