Saturday, October 24, 2009

My letter to the VOA regarding the headline "Abbas's Call for Elections Deepens Palestinian Divisions"

Dear VOA,

Regarding the headline Abbas's Call for Elections Deepens Palestinian Divisions

The article clearly and succinctly points out that "The Palestinian divisions pose a major obstacle to the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, which is the stated goal of the peace process sponsored by the United States. Hamas refuses to renounce violence or recognize Israel, and Israel says as long as the group rules Gaza, there cannot be a Palestinian state."

So it is not so much Abbas's call as it is Hamas's refusal to renounce violence, refusal to recognize Israel, and now Hamas's refusal to respect the election process that is deepening divisions... I think your headline should reflect that rather helping Hamas achieve its goal of sabotaging peace talks by shifting the blame for Palestinian divisions onto Abbas.

Anne Selden Annab
Mechanicsburg PA USA

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