Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Please do all you can to help end the Israel/Palestine conflict.

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Please do all you can to help end the Israel/Palestine conflict.

President Barack Obama
Sen. Arlen Specter
Sen. Robert Casey
Rep. Todd Platts

September 16, 2009

Please continue to do all you can to help end the Israel/Palestine conflict. Yes, it is a huge challenge as there are so many loud cynics, hate mongers, troublemakers, radicals and religious extremists on all sides eager to undermine peace and progress in the Middle East. It is very easy to be taken in and distracted by them- lured away from reasonable, rational, compassionate approaches to the topic that has been destroying so many lives and essentially empowering the worst in everyone.

There are however signs of hope - but only if we have the courage to earnestly listen and learn from those who have been wrestling with the issues for years.

I have come to trust The American Task Force for Palestine's approach because they are first and foremost very respectful to and about America.

ATFP's President and Founder, Dr. Ziad J. Asali, is a Palestinian pushed into forced exile who has made a good life for himself and his family here in America. He has some very good ideas, for instance in a recent op-ed "Towards a Palestinian state" Asali explains "All serious parties have long since concluded that a Palestinian state is essential to any viable Middle East peace agreement. Fayyad has laid out a constructive, proactive programme, entirely consistent with Palestinian, US and Israeli pronouncements, to build the infrastructure and institutions of that state. Everyone has a stake in helping to make it work."

Hussein Ibish , Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, has a new book out What's Wrong with the One-State Agenda? Why Ending the Occupation and Peace with Israel is Still the Palestinian National Goal. It is a book well worth reading and taking seriously.

Ibish explains on his intriguing Ibishblog "Peace, or rather a conflict ending agreement, will and should be based on interests and needs, rather than sentiments and narratives. Both peoples will have to overcome their emotions and sentiments in order to make the necessary compromises. But neither of them can afford not to do so."

Contentiously reaching out every where and every way he can, Ibish explains further on his facebook page "beyond this, I fear, lies only the holy war of the bearded fanatics."

The Israel/Palestine conflict did not really start out a a religious conflict but it is quickly becoming one, with world wide ramifications. Fact is justice does not always naturally prevail- and what is bad now will only become worse with time.

Please do all you can to help end the Israel/Palestine conflict. A good place to start today might be with this: "Israeli peace activists are planning to ratchet up their campaign against groups in the United States that raise money for settlers by highlighting how tax exemptions are helping to fund the expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank." Click here to find out more! Israeli peace groups target US fund raising

Mechanicsburg , PA

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