Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My letter to USA Today RE Obama changes tenor of U.S. foreign policy

RE: Obama changes tenor of U.S. foreign policy

Dear Editor,

I very much hope that President Obama can help get Israel and the Palestinians on track to work together to shape a just and lasting peace.

Carter wisely warned that the goal of Israeli leaders who insist on colonizing the West Bank and East Jerusalem is a one state solution. http://www.theelders.org/

Israel's settlement projects and occupation of Palestinian lands must end: "In fact, in legal and diplomatic terms, there is no dispute. The international community has a legal, political and diplomatic body that is charged with determining these matters: the UN Security Council. And it is under the terms of a series of Security Council resolutions, beginning with Resolution 242, that the Palestinian and Arab position that the occupied territories are indeed occupied shifts from a political stance and a claim to being in legal terms an unassailable fact." Hussein Ibish 242, the occupation and the one-state agenda

FULLY respecting international law and basic human rights must be the priority- for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab

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