Monday, September 14, 2009

My Letter to the NYTimes RE Land First, Then Peace & Unsettled- Resolve of West Bank Settlers May Have Limits

RE: Unsettled- Resolve of West Bank Settlers May Have Limits
Land First, Then Peace by By TURKI al-FAISAL Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States.

Dear Editor,

Yesterday you published Land First, Then Peace by TURKI al-FAISAL Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, and today you follow it up with the in depth news story "Unsettled- Resolve of West Bank Settlers May Have Limits". I do very much hope, for everyone's sake, that this trend continues with many serious efforts being made to once and for all end the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Numerous academics in America have promoted the idea of a one state "solution". That is certainly an inspiring fantasy- but is it really a good idea ... does it really help Palestine?

Jimmy Carter wisely pointed out in a recent op-ed ( The Washington Post Sept 9 2009) that the one state agenda "is obviously the goal of Israeli leaders who insist on colonizing the West Bank and East Jerusalem." The Elders' View Of the Middle East

Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) and Executive Director of the Hala Salaam Maksoud Foundation for Arab-American Leadership, and author of the book What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda? Why Ending the Occupation and Peace with Israel is Still the Palestinian National Goal Hussein Ibish patiently explains on his Ibishblog, "More generally, the one-state agenda reflects the widespread conclusion that Israel will never agree to seriously end the occupation and allow for the creation of a fully sovereign, viable Palestinian state, and that therefore negotiations and diplomacy are pointless."

I believe that negotiations and diplomacy are crucial, because the only other option is escalating injustice and violence. Let there be peace- and accountability.... As the beloved Christmas Carol reminds us all: "Let peace begin with me."

Anne Selden Annab

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