Monday, September 7, 2009

My letter to the Boston Globe RE Israel to sign orders for new construction, West Bank work flies in the face of US pressure

RE: Israel to sign orders for new construction, West Bank work flies in the face of US pressure

Dear Editor,

60 years and counting- Israeli trends are all about sabotaging and obliterating Palestine in every possible way: I hope Obama realizes that Israel's politicians & propagandists mainly want to buy more time (and shift the blame) so they can inflict even more damage all through out the illegally occupied territories.

Anne Selden Annab

oPt: West Bank & Gaza Strip - Closure Maps (June 2009)

Map of 'oPt%3A%20West%20Bank%20%26%20Gaza%20Strip%20-%20Closure%20Maps%20(June%202009)'
  • Source(s):
    - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Note: Document contains 28 pages.

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