Thursday, September 10, 2009

My letter to Al-Ahram RE Mocking Obama, While the world thought Obama would champion justice, Israel has proven that his words are meaningless

RE: Mocking Obama, While the world thought Obama would champion justice, Israel has proven that his words are meaningless, writes Khaled Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem

Dear Editor,

Khaled Amayreh is way off base with his op-ed "Mocking Obama, While the world thought Obama would champion justice, Israel has proven that his words are meaningless

Really is a shame to see such a talented and dynamic Palestinian writer dedicate so much energy towards undermining Obama and the HUGE international push for a two state solution.

Former US president Jimmy Carter DID NOT endorse the one state agenda at all- in fact he pointed out that it was a 'deplorable' alternative in his most recent op-ed
Taking Exception: A Genuine Effort for Peace published in The Washington Post Sept 9 2009, following up his earlier September 6th op-ed The Elders' View Of the Middle East where Carter wisely pointed out that the one state agenda "is obviously the goal of Israeli leaders who insist on colonizing the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

Anne Selden Annab

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