Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bringing attention to Hussein Ibish's important new book "What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda?"

Dear Miftah,

Thank you for having a mailing list... I am THRILLED to see that Hanan Ashrawi is the First Woman in PLO Executive Committee !

But that is not why I am writing you today. I am writing you in hopes you will help bring attention to Hussein Ibish's important new book "What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda?" | The American Task Force on Palestine

Most American media conglomerates on Palestine, such as the Electronic Intifada and the Palestine Chronicle, prefer to feature and applaud One State Solution authors and activists, in addition to a steady stream of articles from Haaretz.

As an American it is easy to be beguiled and distracted by the euphoric claims made by One Staters... but- painful though this is for me to admit- wishful thinking and poetic fantasies don't fix real world problems.

I think Ibish's new book brings necessary insight into the arguments that many Americans hear concerning Israel/Palestine... please help pass on the word for this timely and highly pertinent book deserves attention.

Anne Selden Annab
American homemaker & poet

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