Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Tax Payer Funded Religious Tyranny & State Sponsored Terror ... Since 1948, Zionist Israel wants the land, but not the Palestinian people of that land. #RayanSuleiman 7 years old

 Since 1948, Zionist (Jews-preferred) Israel wants the land, but not the Palestinian people of that land. 



"It's a familiar scene, unfortunately: Soldiers armed with the latest deadly weapons storm into homes and schools, chase children and treat them with unbelievable brutality. The whole world watches on television and social media, but does nothing. When it comes to Arab children, especially Palestinians, the international community has no conscience; it protects the occupation state and its non-existent "right of self-defence". The UN is incapable of holding Israel to account for its crimes. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres refused to add the Israeli occupation army in 2012 to the blacklist of countries and groups violating the rights of children in conflict areas, despite the grave violations against Palestinian children in the occupied territories, the West Bank and Jerusalem.

On World Children's Day 20 November 2021, the Palestinian Prisoners' Club said that the Zionist occupation had arrested 1,149 Palestinian children since the beginning of the year. The club also indicated that since 2000, the Israeli occupation state had arrested at least 19,000 Palestinian children. Moreover, in 2020, Defence for Children International noted that Israel is the only state in the world to systematically prosecute children before military courts, with between 500 and 700 Palestinian children facing trials every year that lack justice and basic rights.

Ever since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, occupied Palestine has been the scene of brutal crimes committed by Zionist thugs and gangs. Many children have been killed alongside women and men in Israeli massacres of Palestinians. The so-called "Israel Defence Forces" appear to target Palestinian children deliberately, and this is reflected in the increase in the number of children martyred. According to official Palestinian statistics, about 2,230 children have been killed by Israelis since the 2000, most of them in Gaza during the past four Israeli military offensives.

Rayan Suleiman was thus not the first and will not be the last Palestinian child to be killed by the Israeli occupation. The settler-colonial state will continue to kill Palestinian men, women and children for as long as the international community maintains its pro-Israel bias and turns a blind eye to the crimes of the occupation authorities."